Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Bhutto Shaheeed Aka martyr

The killing of Ms. Bhutto is a heinous crime which cannot and should not be tolerated an any way or any circumstances and the killer and their organization should be brought to daylight and face the justice.

However the word martyr a.k.a Shaheed has been inflated at least 10 times the rate of inflation in Pakistan.

Ms. Bhutto inherited this business of making money under the façade of democracy from her father the main architect of break up of East Pakistan, (remember the just wanted to be the Top Dog rather than the underdog). She inherited this because of her brother turned terrorist(Remember Al Zulfiqar, hijacking of PIA aircraft etc.) Now with her demise the fate of millions is in the hand of a teenager. This is laughable. This is what is also called nepotism at its best, even Indra Gandhi did not nominate Rajiv in her will or Rajiv nominate Sonia. The nomination of a teenager in the name of Pakistan falling apart seems to be farce of democracy at its best.

Back to the definition of Shaheed AKA Martyer Iman Hussain was Shaheed , Hazrat Hamza was Shaheed, Hazrat Ali is Shaheed, and there are whole list of Martyrs and shaheed in the history, Look at their life style and their cause for which these personalities has given their lives, compare it with Bhutto’s corruption, nepotism, kleptocary. Bhutto is no Shaheed, just a victim of heinous political murder set up by the Al Qaida/Talibans and an event which could have been avoided.

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